Israel Preparing to Strike Iran's IRGC and Conventional Military Targets
October 15, 2024
10:38 AM
Reading time: 3 minutes

The Washington Post newspaper reported on Monday that Israel has agreed to an American request to target only Iranian military sites, presumably including the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, in strikes to retaliate for Iran's ballistic missile attack two weeks ago. However, the Prime Minister's Office issued a statement in response to the report saying that Israel will pay attention to US requests, but ultimately make its own choices about what to hit, how, and when, based on its own assessment of strategic interests. This statement did not, however, openly repudiate the main thesis of the report, which tracks with reports that have also appeared in Israeli media portals regarding the choice of targets Israeli leaders are considering.
In related news, a US decision to deploy the THAAD air defense system to Israel to help defend against possible future ballistic missile attacks from Iran has led to reports that Israel might be running out of interceptors for its own David's Sling and Arrow systems.
A report about this possible shortfall appeared Tuesday in the Financial Times news portal, quoting Dana Stroul, a former senior US defense official, who said "If Iran responds to an Israel attack and Hezbollah joins in too, Israel's air defenses will be stretched.”
Boaz Levy, CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries, the state-owned company which manufactures the Arrow interceptors, added in the report that “Some of our lines are working 24 hours, seven days a week. Our goal is to meet all our is no secret that we need to replenish stocks.”