Netanyahu Requests Removal of UNIFIL Troops from Southern Lebanon
October 13, 2024
2:20 PM
Reading time: 3 minutes

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement on Sunday requesting that United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon, or UNIFIL forces deployed in southern Lebanon be evacuated. He added that these troops, including contingents from dozens of UN member states, are merely being used by Hezbollah as "human shields" and their presence is serving no useful purpose.
In a direct statement to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Netanyahu said that “It is time for you to withdraw UNIFIL from Hezbollah strongholds and from the areas of combat. The IDF has repeatedly asked for this, and has been met with repeated refusals, all aimed at providing a human shield to Hezbollah terrorists. Mr. Secretary General, get the UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way. It should be done right now, immediately.”
“Your refusal to evacuate the UNIFIL soldiers makes them hostages of Hezbollah,” Netanyahu said. “This endangers both them and the lives of our soldiers.”
He also said it is Hezbollah's fault that a few UNIFIL soldiers have been lightly wounded in recent days, and although Israel regrets these events, European countries which contributed their troops to this failed UN mission should be blaming Hezbollah for it, not Israel.
Lebanon’s Prime Minister condemned Netanyahu’s remarks, saying “The warning that Netanyahu addressed to… Guterres demanding the removal of the UNIFIL represents a new chapter in the enemy’s approach of not complying with international [norms].”
A joint statement by the 40 governments who have sent troops to the 9,500 member UNIFIL force added that they “reaffirm our full support for UNIFIL’s mission and activities, whose principal aim is to bring stabilization and lasting peace in South Lebanon as well as in the Middle East. We urge the parties of the conflict to respect UNIFIL’s presence, which entails the obligation to guarantee the safety and security of its personnel at all times.”
UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti added that UNIFIL had refused to comply with an Israeli request to vacate the combat zone. “There was a unanimous decision to stay because it’s important for the UN flag to still fly high in this region, and to be able to report to the Security Council,” he told AFP in an interview. He added that these troops have been in the crossfire between Israel and Hezbollah "for many months" but “the channel of communication is still open with the parties.”